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The Phantom® Premium™ (formerly Sensable Phantom Premium) haptic devices fulfill the requirements of a vast range of research and commercial applications.

With ranges of motion approximating hand movement pivoting at the wrist, elbow, or shoulder, the Phantom Premium can fulfill the requirements of manufacturing verification, machine component visualization, medical research and simulation, and an assortment of other haptically-enabled 3D applications.


Three models make up the Phantom Premium line of haptic devices:

  • Phantom Premium 1.5 and 1.5 HF (High Force)


While the models are designed with different ranges of motion and specifications, each Phantom Premium haptic device is constructed for maximum durability and simple PC connection via the parallel port (EPP) interface. 

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Phantom Features
Phantom Premium 1.5 and 1.5 HF

The Phantom Premium 1.5 haptic device provides a range of motion approximating lower arm movement pivoting at the elbow. This device includes a passive stylus and thimble gimbal and provides three degrees of freedom positional sensing and three degrees of freedom force feedback. You can purchase an encoder stylus gimbal separately, enabling the measurement of pitch, roll, and yaw.  A Phantom Premium 1.5 HF (High Force) device is also available and includes a built-in gear box option that provides higher forces. The thimble attachment is currently not available.

Phantom Premium Technical Specifications

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